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2021 October 13

WBA Webinar: Scaling up biomethane on the pathway to a net-zero future

Date: 13 October 2021

Time: 11.00 - 12.30 CEST


Biomethane, produced from upgrading of biogas or gasification of biomass, provides a means to decarbonise multiple end uses from industry, mobility, to the gas supply to homes and businesses. What´s more it is a true ´circular economy´ solution that offers a range of further benefits including rural development, enhanced waste management and better control of methane emissions from waste and agriculture. 

However, aside from a few pioneering markets, biomethane´s global potential remains untapped. This could be about to change. Governments are scaling up their ambition to tackle climate change with commitments to reach net-zero emissions by the mid-century, with many private sector organisations following suit with stronger corporate social responsibility commitments.  

Biomethane is among a leading range of low carbon solutions which needs an accelerated scale up to match these ambitions. According to the International Energy Agency´s Net-zero Emissions by 2050 scenario, globally biomethane needs to grow more than eight-fold in the next ten years. 

In this context, this webinar aims to showcase the latest global developments and best practices in the field of biomethane, covering new market trends, innovative polices and technology advances.

Confirmed Speakers

-        Paolo Frankl, Head of RE Division, International Energy Agency (IEA)

-        Susanna Pfluger, Secretary General, European Biogas Association (EBA)

-        Dirk Bonse, Head of Department Renewable Gases, Fachverband Biogas

-        Dr. A R Shukla, President, Ex Advisor MNRE and President, Indian Biogas Association

-        Berend Vreugdenhil, Task Leader Gasification of Biomass and Waste, IEA Bioenergy TCP 

-        Ole Hvelplund, CEO, Nature Energy

-        Gwenaël Le Fournis, Solid Waste and Landfill Director, Veolia

-        Giuseppe Perrone, Head of Biomethane Projects, Eni

-        Pharoah Le Feuvre, Market and Strategy Analyst, Enagas 

The event will be moderated by Christian Rakos, President, World Bioenergy Association