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2023 June 22

Webinar - Technologies for efficient conversion of biomass to heat and power

Date: 22nd June 2023 

Time: 11.00 CET 

Registration: Zoom


Bioenergy is a critical part of the net zero energy transformation globally. Various scenarios and pathways show the need for rapid scale up of biomass technologies in all end use sectors. One of the primary end use sectors with a great need for bioenergy is residential and industrial heat. In the residential sector, biomass can be utilized either at homes or communities directly via boilers and stoves as well as providing renewable heat through district heating systems. In the industrial sector, as companies are planning a phase out of gas and oil, biomass solutions are offering ideal solutions. 

Biomass can be converted in multiple number of ways to produce energy. It involves a multitude of technologies such as combustion, gasification, anaerobic digestion, fermentation, transesterification etc. to produce heat, electricity as well as fuels, materials and chemicals. To produce heat, primary conversion methods include combustion and gasification. The feedstock can be either combusted directly to release heat or converted to a powdered form or in a gaseous state. The end use of energy from biomass combustion could be for a variety of industries including greenhouses, district heating, steam for textiles, food and beverage etc. 

How can bioenergy technologies contribute to the net zero and renewable energy commitments around the world? In this regard, the World Bioenergy Association and Bioenergy International (the leading English trade publication) would invite you to join the webinar: ‘Technologies for efficient conversion of biomass to heat and power’. Leading experts from technology companies globally will share their perspectives on the latest developments in biomass to energy conversion and will highlight improvements in conversion efficiency, flue gas cleaning etc.


Opening remarks – Christian Rakos, President, World Bioenergy Association


  • Lars Justsen, CSO, Justsen Energiteknik A/S
  • Werner Emhofer, Export Sales Manager, Fröling
  • Lukas Schirnhofer, CEO, Polytechnik
  • Marcel Huber, Managing Partner, Syncraft

Moderated Q/A