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2024 March 28

ONYM joins WBA

We are pleased to announce that Onym has joined the World Bioenergy Association as a new member. Onym is a Quebec-based company specializing in producing and marketing bioenergies and by-products.

Onym recognizes the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources to meet Quebec's ambitious GHG reduction targets. With the region aiming for a 37.5% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 and a 40% reduction in petroleum consumption, Onym offers innovative bioenergy solutions to major GHG-emitting facilities, guaranteeing the replacement of petroleum, natural gas, fuel oil, coal, and diesel-based energy sources. Depending on the size and characteristics of the facility, Onym's bioenergy products can achieve up to a 100% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Utilizing a unique patented thermolysis technology developed in Quebec, Onym transforms wood residues, which would otherwise be landfilled or incinerated, into bioenergy and bioproducts, such as bio-oil, wood vinegar, and renewable gases. Committed to a circular, responsible, and sustainable economy, Onym generates no waste, and 100% of the wood fiber is converted into useful products.

By scaling up their bioenergy solutions, Onym contributes to the consolidation of socio-economic activities, regional development, and job creation. Their dedication to promoting sustainable bioenergy solutions aligns perfectly with the values and objectives of the World Bioenergy Association. We are excited to collaborate with Onym and look forward to working together to advance the use of bioenergy globally.

Welcome to the WBA community, Onym!