WBA news

2023 November 02

Polytechnik joins WBA

The Polytechnik group with headquarters in Weissenbach, Austria, builds on the experience of more than 3000 implemented systems. Founded in 1965 as a two-man enterprise, the company became one of the globally leading suppliers for biomass combustion plants. Around 250 highly motivated, experienced and customer orientated people provide advanced products and services to customers worldwide, either through Polytechnik or one of the many joint ventures and partners.

They share the same vision to produce energy in the cleanest and most efficient way possible for our customers, the community and the environment. Always geared towards sustainable industrial research and technology development, the company has continued to expand its competitiveness on the international market with innovative products and services.

The company is a truly global company, exporting over 95% of the products to thousands of installations in both the northern and southern hemisphere. With subsidiaries in almost a dozen countries and carefully selected partners in every region, you will receive a fast and efficient local service from experts and technology leaders in their field. You’ll find the subsidiaries worldwide including Switzerland, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, China and New Zealand. 

More information available here: https://biomass.polytechnik.com/en/