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2023 March 30

WBA welcomes the RED III consensus on supporting sustainable bioenergy use in Europe

As the most recent IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report has highlighted, the rapid scale up of renewable energy technologies is a critical mitigation tool to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. The European Union decision to increase the target for renewable energy use to 42.5% by 2030 is an encouraging step. The consensus reached has also confirmed the important role that the sustainable use of bioenergy will play in this context.

Bioenergy use in Europe is currently contributing 58% to renewable energy use. Strict sustainability criteria and an extended application of these criteria will ensure that the future use of bioenergy will make significant contributions to greenhouse gas reduction.  

The REDIII requirements for sustainable use of biomass reflect, what has already been in practice in the bioenergy sector: using wood resources respecting a priority for material use, complying with sustainable forestry practices, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions in supply chains, and avoiding impacts on biodiversity. The fact that these requirements are now underpinned by law is positive, as it is a safeguard that future bioenergy use will continue to respect sustainability requirements. 

As pointed out by a leading MEP, Biomass is a renewable energy source. Hopefully, it will also end misleading allegations against the use of bioenergy and lead to constructive discussions among all stakeholders in ensuring the rapid scale up of sustainable bioenergy towards meeting the EU renewable energy targets in the future. 

ReadEU agrees stronger legislation to accelerate the rollout of renewable energy (Link)