A 5-point plan to scale up biomethane globally
Report download: Link
The World Bioenergy Association (WBA) is pleased to share our latest publication – Biomethane Vision Document. The publication presents a concrete 5-point plan to scale up the biomethane production globally.
Promising biomethane markets are emerging in many European countries and latest data estimates more than 1000 plans operating in the region. Globally, several bright spots for market deployment are emerging including Brazil, India and USA due to significant feedstock potential and new policy incentives.
At the same time, the potential is severely underutilized. Current output of biomethane is about 5 billion cubic metre (5 bcm) which accounts for about 1% and 0.1% of the annual EU and global natural gas consumption respectively. Harnessing the full potential of biomethane requires the creation of holistic policy frameworks. No one policy will be sufficient to fully realise available feedstock potential and scale up biomethane markets to the extent needed in a low carbon energy system.
This ´vision document´ outlines five key recommendations that should form part of national or regional biomethane strategies:
The document highlights considerations including increasing access to sustainable feedstock, driving ongoing technology optimisation, injection of biomethane in gas network, establishing a supportive policy landscape for supply and demand, and regulatory considerations such as streamlined permitting, digestate use, and sustainability criteria.
WBA would like to express our gratitude to the lead author, survey respondents as well as expert reviewers who have contributed with their time and effort for this publication.
The document can be downloaded here: Link