The World Bioenergy Association stands united with the people of Ukraine in the time of crisis and condemns the aggression by Russia. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the everyone affected by the senseless violence.
We extend our support to our members and partners who have their operation in Ukraine, such as the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine (UABIO).
We also welcome the steps taken by authorities around the world – including the EU – to mitigate the crisis. We are proud of the actions being taken by our members in supporting the humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.
It is critical for countries around the world to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and support the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency. We believe that bioenergy will play a crucial role in ensuring a reliable and independent national and regional energy supply around the world.
As requested by our association member (UABIO), we are pleased to share a variety of options to show support Ukraine in this time of crisis. For further information, please visit: