WBA Press Release - IPCC WG2 Report
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HereIPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has released its Working Group II contribution to the 5th Assessment report on 30th March 2014 from Yokohama, Japan. It deals with the impacts, adaptation and vulnerability of climate change. This report uses more scientific literature to assess the severe impacts of global climate change which are already more evident and will become worse.
“There is more proof that we need to stop the use of fossil fuels soon – especially for developed countries – before it is too late to adapt. A stronger implementation of carbon tax and a faster and sustainable use of renewable energy is the only way forward” says Heinz Kopetz, President of World Bioenergy Association. In this regard for example, the EU Climate Policy on increasing renewables in Europe to only 27% by 2030 is clearly not enough. As previously suggested by WBA, a minimum share of 45% is necessary to have a significant impact on energy security and climate change mitigation.
WBA reiterates that research has already shown the negative effects of climate change and this report provides further evidence. Now is the time for stronger focus on policy for increasing renewable energy share and bioenergy is the key to it. Heinz Kopetz further comments that “The potential for bioenergy is immense. Vast tracts of land are unused in many parts of the world – especially Europe. A sustainable use of land and forest area can aid in quicker transition to renewables.”
The Working Group III contribution on climate change mitigation will be released on April 13th in Berlin, Germany and WBA is expecting a stronger focus on bioenergy.
For full report of the WG II contribution, click