WBA news

WBA news

2009 June 10
Company to breed cold-resistant jatropha
A US-based company has identified what it says are several strains of cold tolerant jatropha capable of thriving in the United States.
2009 June 09
Bioelectricty more water-efficient than biofuels
Generating electricity from biomass uses nearly half the water needed to produce biofuels, according to a new study
2009 June 05
Bioenergy key to Canadian forestry industry's revival
Forestry company executives in Canada are hoping bioenergy can help the industry survive a current global slump.
2009 June 05
Colombian ethanol output to double in 2009: minister says
Colombia’s agriculture minister forecast his country’s ethanol output would more than double by the end of the year
2009 June 02
Biofuels soon a reality for commercial jets
Biomass-based jet fuel may start replacing petroleum fuels on commercial airliners within a year, according to Boeing executive.
2009 May 28
G8, EU and G5 shows renewable insight
The parties believe that a comprehensive strategy to respond to the climate change challenge must necessarily envisage a portfolio of different renewable energy sources through policy and regulatory improvments to boost investments in bioenergy.