6 – 17 November
Bonn, Germany
At the UN Climate Change Conference this year (COP23, from 6 to 17 November) nations of the world will meet to advance the aims and ambitions of the Paris Agreement and achieve progress on its implementation guidelines.
The conference, officially referred as COP 23/ CMP 13/ CMA 1-2, will take place in Bonn, Germany, hosted by the secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and presided over by Fiji. The UNFCCC secretariat and the Government of Fiji are closely working with the Government of Germany, the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the City of Bonn to ensure a dynamic and successful Conference. About COP23: Link
WBA is involved in various activities at the COP23 UN Climate Change Conference to be held in Bonn, Germany during 6 – 17 November 2017. Our aim is to share information on the bioenergy sector and its role along with other renewable energy sources in the global energy mix. Save the date for the following events and if you are in Bonn, do take time to visit us.
WBA Exhibition Stand
WBA has been provided an exhibition stand in the COP23 Bonn Zone which will be located in Bonn’s Rheinaue Park area. Come and visit us to learn more about bioenergy and renewable energy technologies. The WBA stand is present during the 1st week of COP23 (6 - 17 November).
REN Alliance Side Event
REN Alliance partners (ISES, WWEA, WBA, IGA and IHA) are organizing an official COP23 side event: Renewables Working Together: Staying below 1.5°C with Renewable Energy. The event takes place on Monday 06 November at 15:00 in meeting room 9, Bonn Zone, COP23. Link
WBA Press Conference
WBA is organizing a press conference: The important contribution of BIOENERGY in achieving global energy and climate goals. The event will take place in Press Conference Room 2 Theatre, Bula Zone 3, COP23 on November 7, 10.00 – 10.30. Speakers include Remigijus Lapinskas (WBA), Heinz Kopetz (WBA), Kjell Andersson (Svebio) and Dagmar Honsbein (N-BiG). The event will be moderated by Bharadwaj Kummamuru (WBA).
Global Renewable Energy Solutions Showcase
WBA is partnering with REN Alliance partners for the GRESS showcase event to be held during 07 – 08 November 2017. Read more: Link