WBA news


WBA news

2009 April 21
G8 points towards bioenergy to increase food production
In its final declaration from the recently held Agriculture Ministers meeting in Csion di Valmarino, Italy, the G8 acknowledged the need for development of agriculture in order to meet increasing demand for food.
2009 April 17
Australian oppurtunities
Do you know how to chip burned hard wood for bioenergy?
2009 April 16
CanBio Report: Addressing barriers for Bioenergy
Regulatory hurdles have restricted the deployment of bioenergy technologies in Canada, for decades.
2009 April 09
FAO and Pisces report on Small-Scale Bioenergy Initiatives
FAO and Pisces report contains descriptions and preliminary lessons on livelihood impacts from case studies in Asia, Latin America and Africa
2009 April 08
10.000.000 tonnes of pellets
The Wood Pellets Association of Canada (WPAC) estimates that the global pellet production 2007 was ten million tonnes.
2009 April 01
Sustainable Vehicle Fuels - Do they exist?
Bilsweden (the Swedish organisation for car-makers and importers) has funded a report raising the question if there are any sustainable vehicle fuels.